Welcome to Kansas Pinto Horse Association

KPtHA is a family oriented assoc. with classes for everyone. Halter, Showmanship, English, Western, Driving, Ranch, & Games.
KPtHA is a family oriented assoc. with classes for everyone. Halter, Showmanship, English, Western, Driving, Ranch, & Games.
If you would like to Join, we offer Individual, Youth & Family Memberships, as well as Horse nominations for our Year End Awards Program.
Check out our Board members and Officers as well here.
Ks Pinto has a year end awards program for all Ks Pinto members and nominated horses. Each Ks Pinto hosted all breed (KSHA) show as well as well as KS Pinto shows are year end point earning shows. For points to be awarded you and your horse must show under a minimum of 3 Pinto pointed judges for each class you wish your points to count.
Ks Pinto has a year end awards program for all Ks Pinto members and nominated horses. Each Ks Pinto hosted all breed (KSHA) show as well as well as KS Pinto shows are year end point earning shows. For points to be awarded you and your horse must show under a minimum of 3 Pinto pointed judges for each class you wish your points to count.
Starting in the fall of 2013, Kansas Pinto Horse Association will award a scholarship for a high school senior or graduate each year who wants to further their education, and meets the criteria established below. This scholarship will be called the Eldon and Phyrnia Peterson Scholarship, honoring and in memory of the many hours and sacrifices the Petersons made to keep our Kansas Pinto Chapter active.